Did you know that the Latin word for sapphire, sapyrus, means blue? That's why only blue sapphires are simply called sapphires! I would like to introduce this awesome Blue Sapphire. This is the highest rated IF.
- Weight (Ct)
- Stone Size
- Clarity
- Color
- Shape
- 0.91 Ct.
- 5.2 mm
- IF
- Blue
- Cushion
If you have any questions regarding our Gemstone or Custom Ring. Feel free to ask us.
If you have any questions regarding our Gemstone or Custom Ring. Please reach out to discuss next steps via e-mail.

Find them on our Ring Design Collection page.
Did you know that the Latin word for sapphire, sapyrus, means blue? That's why only blue sapphires are simply called sapphires! I would like to introduce this awesome Blue Sapphire. This is the highest rated IF.
- Weight (Ct)
- Stone Size
- Clarity
- Color
- Shape
- 0.91 Ct.
- 5.2 mm
- IF
- Blue
- Cushion

If you have any questions regarding our Gemstone or Custom Ring.
Feel free to ask us.
If you have any questions regarding our Gemstone or Custom Ring. Please reach out to discuss next steps via e-mail.